March started out with a big move, going from an 800 sq. ft. space to one that is more than 4 1/2 times larger. Even with the addition of Bert Green, owner of Vertical Design, to the studio space it is still a little more than some extra breathing room in the studio. After the first week of getting moved in my cousin came up from Austin to help me get organized, and turned out using his i-phone to be my personal photogrpher for the week; and i gotta say i don't see pictures that come out as well on some cameras as came off his phone.
During the month of renovating, building a large room addition, cleaning, doing some demolition to a couple walls in addition to making pieces of furniture for Ruth and Ollie and a railing for the Shermans - the same family that commisioned me to do the table for their chihouly glass piece. (pictures). With still another month and a half til the open house it should be just enough time to get straight what i need to and to paint the ENTIRE place before the open house on May 15th. Any and all help would be awesome, i'll bring the pizza and beer! ;)